Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Switching gears...and blogs!

I'm already sick of this TTC stuff and its hard enough having to chart it every month. I don't feel like writing about it any more either so I'm switching over to my family blog and focus on the family I have instead of worrying about a baby that my never happen. Here's the Link


Have a nice day!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Me too!!

Nate and I being the awesome parents we are, took Sadie out to the park/Zoo today! At the park the NASA truck was there and they had little exhibits that allowed kids to touch actual rocks from the moon. Sadie wasn't to interested, but the stars all over the walls and ceiling were pretty cool to our little monster. She had a blasty blast at the Zoo. She gets hot and sweaty really quick like I do. If it's over 72 degrees expect us to sweat like horse! No matter what we did to help try and cool her off, she refused. Man I just love the terrible two's. She did however try and comfort a little girl that got stung by a bee. Maybe, just maybe that littler stinker has a mushy lovey side to her, but don't tell her I know this. It'll be all over then! I can't wait to give her a sibling, she's going to be such a good big sister! Speaking of more babies, that sure is a slow process. Looks like last cycle wasn't the one. So forward to the next. My doc appontment is in Oct for infertility, so hopefully we will get lucky before then!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Five always was my lucky number...

I realized that I'm on my 5th cycle, which if I were superstitious would mean good things to come. Maybe I am superstitious. You know as a child your told to "pick a favorite?" A favorite color, food, season, or article of clothing. I remember when I was in 6th grade, my friends all thought it was cool to have a favorite number. One of the cooler girls of the group decided her's was 2, so all of us decided 2 was the cool number. I went with this for months and finally thought about how stupid it was and chose my own number, 5. How dumb was it that we decided to actually pick favorite numbers? Haha. Anyway, over the years good things have come out of 5's. It's been my lucky number I guess you could say. I'm really hoping that 5 will come through for my again. I've been trying for 10 months and this is only my 5th cycle. 5+5 is 10 so maybe this is all around my lucky month, now if only I was really that superstitious to believe in it full heartily. Maybe I will take up in believing in that kind of stuff. Anyone know of a vampire or werewolf that I could get to know?! Here's to a BFP for this month and hopefully the next 10 days go by fast!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

It's been a while!

Haven't really posted much have I? I've been busy with docotor appoinments, Nate getting in 2 bike acceidents and chasing a 2 year old. Not to mention a high census at work. My cycle altogether stopped in April and in August finally kicked back up. I'm waiting right now, but sin't that what we TTC'ers are always doing? Waiting? I have a doc appointment for infertility in Oct if we don't get pregnant this go round, who knows maybe we will. The out looks isn't a good one though, all things considered. But on to the 2ww I go!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Is it time to go home yet?

Ug...I feel pretty blah today. And not the pregnant blah, just blah. I'm at 12 dpo, but I serioudly think FF got my O day wrong. It says it was on CD 20, but it could have been on CD 26. I dunno. No positive test yet. I'll just keep truckin!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Feeling good!

Well, my fertility friend account has confirmed my Ovulation day and I'm ubber excited about this month. I'm feeling really good! I dunno, maybe it's cus this is our fifth month ttc and 5 has always been my lucky number. For how good I feel though, there is still that voice of doubt in the back of my mind.

Nate has decided he really want me to get pregnant again, now! lol. For a while he just didn't really wanna talk about it, just let things happen when they did. So I was temping and using opks and not talking to him about them. I felt like I was doing something bad behind his back. I mean I was feeling guilty about using opks so I knew when to have sex, it was just silly!! So on sunday when he said he wanted me to get pregnant now and be apart of the planning in every way, I was flabbergasted! It feels like I've been in this club that I've kept hidden from him and then on Sunday when I went to the club meeting there he was sitting a chair with a smile on his face. He says if we don't get pregnant this month that he's going to buy pre-seed and any other fertility booster the doctor can suggest. I feel like this month is the month though. Everything just looks perfect on my chart. This is good, very, very good!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Back on track

Well, since the last time I posted, I got a positive pregnancy test and then the next day miscarried. I think it was a chemical pregnancy, so I didn't get too emotional about it, but I went to see my doc for help. She didn't really have any answers for me. My periods are all over the place but because I'm O'ing, there's not much advice she could give me. Well last cycle was only 24 days long and as of today I'm at CD 18 and got a nice dark + OPK. This is cycle 5 and I hope it's our lucky one. 5 is my favorite number after all.

The weather is getting nicer. It makes me remember that I love the out doors! When it's warm enough, I'll just spend all day out with Sadie and hopefully get her potty trained. She's doing well as of now, but I want her potty trained before we have another baby.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Crossing my fingers!

Today I feel awful!!! I'm at 9 dpo and my boobs hurt, I've got heart burn, and I feel sick to my stomach. Feeling these symptoms of (possible) pregnancy again makes me wonder if I'm really ready to do this all over again. I believe I am.

Sadie is not having a good day today. She doesn't want to nap, but she's so cranky no one wants to be around her, so at the moment she's in her bed screaming her head off. I'm hoping she'll scream herself out. Nate's good at getting her to nap, she just does it with him. Me...she screams and screams until I come get her. MUST BE STRONG!!!

I work til 3am tonight, no excited in the least! I'm tired all the time so staying up til 3 is not my cup of tea!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Let the journey begin

Here I am on cd 2. I've started temping, but at this point there's not much to do. Just waiting for AF to finish her course and then I'll get down to business.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Let me introduce myself

I'm Lisa. I'm a mom, a wife, and a wannbe nurse. My husband nate and I are currently TTC. Nate and I have been married for 2 years. We were married July 15, 2006. I am truely in love with him. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. He has only a semester left in school and then he'll have is BS in Computer Networking. I'm currently taking a break from school to save us some money. I'm a nursing student and am currently working at St. Luke's Regional Medical Center as a certified nurses assistant in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

We currently have a 19 month old baby girl. She was born July 21, 2007. She is an amazing little girl. So full of energy and so very loveable. She LOVES shoes and can spend hours in Payless looking at all the shoes.

I'm learning that the TTC journey can be rough so I started this so I could vent, express, and reveal my feelings. We have been TTC for 3 months now with no succsess, so I've decided to start charting and temping. Hopefully it will help.

Any one is welcome to read and comment. If you'd like to tell me about your TTC journey, I'd love to hear. have a wonderful day all!!!

Love is...
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